Forever Manchester are working with UK Community Foundations to distribute funding raised by the National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal. This money is being distributed to community organisations responding to the needs of local communities across Greater Manchester via the Community Support Fund.

Tameside South and Longendale Foodbank provides nutritionally balanced food parcels to local families and those living alone. Each parcel contains enough food to cover breakfast, dinner and tea for 3 days.

Food donations come from local people at drop boxes in supermarkets, through individual donations and at “buy a tin for the foodbank” collections.

During the current pandemic, the foodbank is aiming to maintain normal levels of support alongside working with local schools, GP surgeries and Housing Associations. It is recognised that this will generate an increase in demand as a result of isolation, illness, job displacement, redundancy and an increase in local children not having access to free school meal services.

The award from the Forever Manchester Community Support Fund has helped with topping up food supplies and the cost of fuel to maintain delivery services.

More information about The Community Support Fund can be found by clicking the buttons below.

This year, Forever Manchester is celebrating 30 Years of supporting our local communities.

Did you know that if you live or work within the Greater Manchester area, Forever Manchester will have funded a community activity within a mile of your home, business or place of work.

Date added: 20th April 2020