Year in year out we support over 1,300 community projects benefitting  over 40,000 people, but we receive more than twice the number of applications for funding than we can support and so we’re now launching an exciting fundraising campaign aiming to raise an extra £50,000 between now and Christmas.

We support every kind of grassroot community project, from junior football teams, disability groups and older people’s support groups to food banks, dementia support groups, drug and alcohol misuse support groups, knit and natter groups – and everything in between.

We help those living alone, those without homes, the vulnerable and those most at risk, spreading compassion and ensuring that people aren’t forgotten or left behind.

We believe in giving a hand up, not a handout. We support local people who give their time, resources, connections and skills to take care of each other and their surroundings to make a lasting difference.

Can you help us help local people like you?

Our fundraisers this Autumn are all about getting people together to have fun and at the same time raise money for Forever Manchester.