Wythenshawe Warriors are group of footballers who meet weekly to play walking football. They started the group as a way to encourage local men and women to keep fit and improve their mental wellbeing.

Walking football is a fast-growing non-contact sport typically aimed at men over 50 and women over 40 years old.

Although Walking Football shares similarities with regular association football, the biggest difference is that running is off-limits –But you can ‘walk’ as fast as you want!

Wythenshawe Warriors meet every week at their local lifestyle centre to play friendly matches with other teams who they connect with by searching walking football on Facebook. These matches bring local people together from Wythenshawe, providing opportunities to meet and socialise with other people with shared interests. The friendly matches also provide an opportunity to explore and discover other local areas.

One of the players said: “It’s great for fitness, and my mental health has improved a great deal. It’s a fantastic group and I’ve have made a huge number of friends as a result.”

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Date added: 21st December 2022