It’s fair to say that Paul Baker needed a haircut even before world events took over but unfortunately didn’t make it to the hairdresser in time, so he decided to take matters in hand and ordered himself a hair trimmer.

Paul tells us that the cheap and cheerful “easy to use” ones were sold out, so he got himself a real fancy model that requires professional operation and a steady hand, and that was his first mistake.

He also thought it would be a great way to support Forever Manchester and decided to film the haircut to raise some cash. He and his wife Lisa then promoted the fact that they would personally donate £1 for every social media view of the head shaving saga with people asked to vote via Linked in and Instagram to decide whether to make Paul completely bald (Full Metal Jacket) or maintain his usual Number 3 look.

Allegedly, the final vote was for Number 3 and Lisa, with no previous experience of cutting hair or using a shaver on anybody’s head, was nominated to wield the strimmer. Paul subsequently claimed that this was probably another mistake.

The big day arrived and the sun shone brightly as Lisa commenced clipping duties. The hair disappeared, the wine flowed and their two boys howled with laughter as Paul’s head began to resemble “a shark swimming in a choppy sea”.

Days of lockdown drinks and bright sunshine can lead to unsteady hands along with Lisa’s love of Peaky Blinders and asymmetric haircuts, which may have also played some small part in what Paul later described as “haircut humiliation”

However, despite his “not so” Peaky Blinder of a top trim, Paul & Lisa managed to generate a hair raising £1,500 for Forever Manchester and that’s we think they’re a cut above the rest.

In the short term, Paul has grown a beard to counter the effect of his new look and thankfully he doesn’t need to be seen in public for the foreseeable future. He said “I’m happy that Forever Manchester has benefitted from this encounter as they do such a fantastic job, unlike Lisa, my current hairdresser”.

We are sending big thanks and best wishes to Paul & Lisa for their fantastic support.

Date added: 24th April 2020