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Our Supporters

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We have a wide range of businesses willing to go the extra mile for Forever Manchester.

Supporting Forever Manchester can help differentiate your brand from your competitor’s, provide you with valuable PR opportunities and increase staff involvement and build morale through fundraising, volunteering and networking opportunities.

If you own or work for a company based in Greater Manchester, the chances are that 90% of your colleagues live in Greater Manchester and are part of the very communities that we support.

Listed below are the many companies and organisations working in partnership with us, providing valued investment in order to help us to deliver a real impact at a local level. For further information on each supporter, simply click onto their logo.

To find out how you can join the companies below please contact our team by email at marketing@forevermanchester.com or telephone on 0161 214 0959.

Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales under 2785133. Registered Charity No. 1017504