The show, launched in February 2023, has quickly grown to become the most broadcast community focused radio programme across Greater Manchester and is currently featured on 9 local community radio stations.
Highlighting the work and dedication of Local Heroes and Community Champions, each programme shares the inspirational stories of featured studio guests from our local communities whose vision, commitment and dedication to making a difference to the lives of others, is often fascinating, inspiring and entertaining.
With its focus fixed very firmly on local communities, the programme often shares details of available funds and funding opportunities to support the work of grass roots groups and organisations supported by Forever Manchester that are equally served by the community radio stations involved.
The Forever Manchester Audio Show is produced and presented by Forever Manchester’s Community Relationships Manager Terry Snowden MBE who says:
“It’s all about showcasing Local Heroes and Community Champions, and the brilliant work local people, and grass-roots groups do to support life in our local communities. Just like Forever Manchester, community radio stations are ‘place based’ and therefore play an important part in engaging and supporting local people.So what better way than to tell interesting, inspiring stories of people round ere’ by sharing their stories and achievements! Their stories and experiences are inspiring and worth telling, and this is why we do the show”.
“It’s all about showcasing Local Heroes and Community Champions, and the brilliant work local people, and grass-roots groups do to support life in our local communities. Just like Forever Manchester, community radio stations are ‘place based’ and therefore play an important part in engaging and supporting local people.
So what better way than to tell interesting, inspiring stories of people round ere’ by sharing their stories and achievements! Their stories and experiences are inspiring and worth telling, and this is why we do the show”.
The Forever Manchester Audio Show can be heard on the following radio stations on various days at different times depending on radio station schedules:
You can listen to Forever Manchester’s latest Audio Show below. This show features guests Maureen Holcroft and Noreen Bond from Daffodils Dreams (pictured above), who are dedicated to supporting and making a difference to the lives of children and young people in Wigan.
After airing, the Forever Manchester Audio Show is re-edited into episodes for a new podcast series ‘Forever Mancunians‘, with the aim of building a library of fascinating people telling their inspirational stories in their own words, and capturing the development of some brilliant local groups.
‘Forever Mancunians‘, along with ‘Forever Manchester Meets‘ and ‘This Is The Place‘, are all individual series of the Forever Manchester podcast.
To find out more about the Forever Manchester Podcast, click here.
Date added: 20th October 2023
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