Home Get Involved Donate For Businesses and Organisations For Starting Your Own Fund (Businesses and Organisations)

For Starting Your Own Fund (Businesses and Organisations)

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Starting a fund with Forever Manchester in the name of your business is easy. It’s like having your own charitable trust but without the hassle of administration or the cost.

Whatever your reasons for giving, our Philanthropy Development team will work closely with your business to create a fund in your name that is tailored to your wishes and circumstances and reflects your company’s ethos and values.

And you’ll get regular feedback on how you’ve helped make a difference.

Types of Fund

We have two types of fund: endowment and annual.

Endowment: your gift is invested to set up the fund, and the revenue it generates every year will support your causes. Over time, the amount distributed will outstrip your original gift, making a lasting legacy for your community.

Annual: your gift is held as cash to support your causes in the year ahead. If you wish to keep the fund going, you will need to make a new gift every year. We can also combine elements of endowment and annual funds for you.

For advice on the best options for you please contact:
Jean Mills: jean@forevermanchester.com

Date added: 1st September 2021

Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales under 2785133. Registered Charity No. 1017504