Home Community Forever Manchester meets a Community Builder

Forever Manchester meets a Community Builder

In April 2017, Forever Manchester started working in and around the Patricroft area of Eccles, Salford.

It is here that our Community Building team have been continuously out and about, finding out what goes on in the area and getting to know some of the people who live there.

In order to understand more about the life of a community builder we spent the day with Forever Manchester Community Builder Lisa Brown, who told us about her work and introduced us to some of the interesting and wonderful characters that makes Eccles such a unique area.

Many of the groups have been funded through Cash 4 Graft Awards including a recently formed indoor Curling group who took inspiration from the Winter Olympics.

Picture: Forever Manchester’s Terry chats with Dave & Dawn Lovin from The Music Shed, whose aim is to provide affordable music lessons for local people.

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