Home Community For Building a Stronger Community in the Lancashire Hill area of Stockport

For Building a Stronger Community in the Lancashire Hill area of Stockport

Since April 2023, Forever Manchester’s Community Building Team has been working in the Lancashire Hill area of Stockport. Our aim is to bring local people together to create something special and put smiles on the faces of people in the local community.

We are getting to know as many people as possible, finding out what they love about living in the area, and what they like to do in their community. We are discovering what interests and passions people have and are working closely with them to turn their great ideas into reality to help build a stronger community. The most important thing in building a stronger community is to involve the people that live there.

A key part of our approach is to identify, connect and showcase the great groups, organisations and physical spaces that already exist in the area. Connections form the heart of strong communities. By getting to know more people, groups and places in Lancashire Hill (known locally as Lanky Hill), we will help bring people together with similar interests and encourage them to share their skills and help each other. The more connections that are made, the more possibilities become available.

We will also encourage people to come together to create new community activities. Where funding is needed to help get these ideas off the ground, Forever Manchester will provide a hand up to support them.

At Forever Manchester we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be happy. We care about those people who care enough to act.

Lisa Kershaw, Forever Manchester’s Community Builder (pictured above) has been busy out and about in Lanky Hill, starting conversations with people she bumps into at community groups, in the café’s, shops and on the streets.

So, if you see Lisa say hi and tell her all about yourself and where you live. If you know any hidden gems in Lanky Hill, or have a great idea for a community project in the area, get in touch. We can’t wait to find out more!

Listen to Forever Manchester’s Community Builders.

Forever Manchester’s Approach To Working With Local Communities.


Date added: 1st September 2023

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