Knight Knox

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We are a Manchester-based, proven property investment specialist with a 20-year history in the property investment business. We specialise in identifying and sourcing high-yield property investments for clients across the UK and overseas. Our purpose is to help investors navigate the property investment market by providing expert advice and access to exclusive opportunities, allowing our clients to build their wealth with UK property.

At Knight Knox, we are committed to providing a transparent, professional, and client-centric approach to property investment, prioritising the delivery of exceptional customer service, maintaining strong relationships with developers and partners, and ensuring our clients have access to thoroughly researched and well-managed investment opportunities.

Established in 2004, our extensive market knowledge, established relationships within the industry, and the ability to identify emerging investment hotspots allow us to offer a comprehensive end-to-end service in property investment. We focus on conducting thorough due diligence to select high-yield properties, providing a trusted and reliable investment solution for our clients.

Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales under 2785133. Registered Charity No. 1017504