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Since 2012, Forever Manchester has been a UK leader in Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD). Building on our experience of working in local communities we have developed a range of training tools to help organisations of any size begin to adopt an ABCD approach.

All of our core activity is underpinned and driven by our commitment to an Asset Based Community Development(ABCD) methodology, however, we go beyond that, by running intensive programmes of ABCD in local communities, delivered by members of the Forever Manchester team we call ‘Community Builders’.

All courses are now CPD approved and all learners will receive a certificate of attendance. Our workshops are delivered by experienced on the ground Community Builders, putting ABCD into practice right now in communities across Greater Manchester. All of our training can be made bespoke to what a particular partner wants to achieve.

If you’d like to explore any of these options further please drop us an email at info@forevermanchester.com and we’d love to arrange a chat sometime.

Forever Consulting provides social and economic research and consultancy services across the UK with enthusiasm, integrity, and creativity.

We were established in 2017 and have been delivering great projects, making clients happy and reinvesting all our profit into Forever Manchester ever since.


Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales under 2785133. Registered Charity No. 1017504