Miki Christi

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Miki was born in Oldham in 1978 and has always lived in the North of Manchester. She has two children and is the manager of several shops within Afflecks in the Northern Quarter, most prolifically, The Manchester Shop, home of Manc and Proud. Thanks to Miki, The Manchester Shop now sells a range of Forever Manchester Merchandise

She told us: “I enjoy my job immensely, not only working in the retail sector but also managing a team of people that I consider family.”

Miki added that she wants to help Forever Manchester grow in her role as Ambassador: “I feel I could be helpful increasing the charity’s awareness; we have a huge amount of passing trade through our shop and our market stalls, if we can engage those people to become aware of what Forever Manchester does it could help to make a great difference.” 

Miki Christi Image

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