If you wish to pay your money in via BACS, our Bank Details are:
Account Name: Forever ManchesterBank Name: Barclays BankSort Code: 20-55-41Account No: 10773654
If you are require more information to make your payment please email us at accounts@forevermanchester.com or ring us on 0161 214 0940.
Please make your cheque payable to Forever Manchester and include a note to reference the event or activity the money was raised for. Send it to our offices at:
Forever Manchester1st Floor, Phoenix House45 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 4JF
If you have collected cash, please bring it with you in person to our offices – between 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri at:
Last updated: 3rd September 2021
Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales under 2785133. Registered Charity No. 1017504